Buick: 1937-60 All ModelsCadillac: 1937-60 All ModelsChevy & GMC Truck: 1937-57 As RequiredChevy: 1937-60 All ModelsFord Trucks: 1932-60 As RequiredFord: 1932-60 As RequiredMercury: 1949-51 As RequiredOldsmobile: 1937-60 All ModelsPackard: 1935-42 As Required For Most Models, 1951-54 As Required For Most ModelsPontiac: 1937-60 All Models
Item #: 10-049X
Condition: New
Price: $29.46
/ pair
Brake Pedal Return SpringNew
Ford Trucks: 1940-47 All Truck Models, 1948-52 All F Series Trucks
Ford Trucks: 1932-47 all truck models, 1948-52 all F Series Trucks
Item #: BB-7213-A
Condition: New
Price: $7.95
Headlight Dimmer Switch PadNew
Ford Trucks: 1938-56 Most Truck Models, 1966-89 Most Bronco & Econoline Models Ford: 1949-70 All Models, 1970-73 All Maverick Models Mercury: 1949-73 Nearly ...
Ford Trucks: 1938-56 Most Truck Models, 1966-89 Most Bronco & Econoline ModelsFord: 1949-70 All Models, 1970-73 All Maverick ModelsMercury: 1949-73 Nearly All Models
Item #: C5ZZ-13533
Condition: New
Price: $3.95
Heater Defroster Hose - 1-3/4" I.D.New
Edsel: 1958-60 most models as required Ford Trucks: 1935-50 most models as required Ford: 1935-50 most models as required Lincoln: 1935-50 most ...
Edsel: 1958-60 most models as requiredFord Trucks: 1935-50 most models as requiredFord: 1935-50 most models as requiredLincoln: 1935-50 most models as requiredMercury: 1935-50 most models as required
Item #: 8H-18556-B
Condition: New
Price: $6.25
/ foot
Heater Hose Clamp - For 5/8" HoseNew
Edsel: 1949-77 all models Ford Trucks: 1932-79 all truck / van / Bronco models Ford: 1949-77 all models Mercury: 1949-77 all models
Ford Trucks: 1932-47 all truck models with V8, 1948-51 all F-1 / F-2 / F-3 with 6 or 8 cylinder Ford: 1932-48 all passenger car models with V8 Mercury: 1939-...
Ford Trucks: 1932-47 all truck models with V8, 1948-51 all F-1 / F-2 / F-3 with 6 or 8 cylinderFord: 1932-48 all passenger car models with V8Mercury: 1939-48 all models
Item #: B-6039-A
Condition: New
Price: $4.95
Radiator Hose Clamp - 2-1/8" O.D.New
Edsel: 1958-60 all models Ford Trucks: 1932-77 most truck & Bronco models Ford: 1932-70 most models Mercury: 1949-53 al models
Windshield Seal - For Models With V-Butt (Removed Center Post) Or ChoppedNew
Ford: 1940 As Required For Passenger Cars With Chopped Or V-Butt Glass Ford Truck / Van / SUV: 1940-47 1940 As Required For Trucks With Chopped Or V-Butt Glass
Ford: 1940 As Required For Passenger Cars With Chopped Or V-Butt GlassFord Truck / Van / SUV: 1940-47 1940 As Required For Trucks With Chopped Or V-Butt Glass
Item #: 01A-7003110-VB
Condition: New
Price: $29.20
Windshield Seal KitNew
Ford: 1940 Deluxe Except Convertible & Wagon, 1940 Standard Except Convertible & Wagon Ford Trucks: 1940-47 Pickup & Panel Truck